
GSMA's Attendee Terms & Conditions for Events

(Last Updated 17 May 2024)

GSMA's Attendee Terms & Conditions for Events (“Attendee Terms”)

About the GSMA

The GSMA is a global organisation unifying the mobile ecosystem to discover, develop and deliver innovation that is foundational to positive business environments and societal change. The GSMA’s vision is to unlock the full power of connectivity so that people, industry, and society thrive. Representing mobile operators and organisations across the mobile ecosystem and adjacent industries, the GSMA delivers for its members across three broad pillars: (1) Connectivity for Good; (2) Industry Solutions and (3) Events. You can find out more about the GSMA at

The GSMA’s events bring the mobile ecosystem and adjacent industries together and allow Attendees (as defined below) to make strong business connections and drive positive impact. The GSMA hosts both the worldwide MWC events that take place in Barcelona, Shanghai, Las Vegas, and Kigali (“MWC Event(s)”), and the growing M360 series of regionally focused events in cities within Eurasia, Latin America, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and North Africa regions (“M360 Event(s)”) (MWC Events and M360 Events collectively defined as the “Event(s)”).

GSMA Ltd., with its principal place of business located at Armor Yards, 165 Ottley Drive, Suite 203, Atlanta, Georgia 30324, United States, a wholly owned subsidiary of the GSM Association, on behalf of itself and its Event Affiliates (as defined below) where applicable (together, "GSMA") welcome you to the Event specified in your registration form.

Event Affiliates means: (a) GSMA 4FYN Event Management S.L., a subsidiary of GSMA Ltd., with respect to the 4YFN event that takes place at MWC Barcelona; and (b) GSMA (Shanghai) Co Ltd., a subsidiary of GSMA Ltd. with respect to MWC Shanghai.

Acceptance of the Attendee Terms 

GSMA provides an Event(s) to you, your employees, agents, and contractors, and any other entity or person on whose behalf you (collectively, “You”,Your” or Yourself”) accept these Attendee Terms. These Attendee Terms are entered into by and between GSMA and You. You accept them and agree to be bound by them by either: (i) signing up for an account on the applicable Event website; (ii) registering for an Event via the applicable Event website; (iii) accepting an invitation to the applicable Event; (iv) consenting to a third party registering You for the applicable Event; (v) purchasing (either as principal or via a third party) a pass from the applicable Event website; (vi) using the applicable Event website; or (vii) attending the applicable Event ((i) – (vii) collectively defined as the “Registration Activities”). 

You are subject to these Attendee Terms by virtue of undertaking the Registration Activities and these Attendee Terms apply to anyone attending an Event in any capacity including but not limited to, all visitors, Event attendees, staff, suppliers, exhibitors, speakers, press, delegates, VIPs, and any other individuals participating in an Event (“Attendee(s)”).

Any additional terms, rules or guidelines hyperlinked on the applicable Event registration page(s), on the specific Event website, as set out in the FAQ section on an Event website and/or physically displayed at an Event itself (“Additional Terms”) form part of these Attendee Terms and are incorporated by reference.

Description and Delivery of an Event 

Each Event website provides access to an account, registration and other services and key information for an Event, including but not limited to information regarding an Event location, venue, dates, agenda, promotional, sales, sponsorship, and networking opportunities for companies doing business in the mobile industry. 

The access and benefits associated with an Event pass will be located on the applicable Event website. Please note that Your access to certain sessions and activities is dependent on the type of pass that You have. 


GSMA Ltd., the Event organiser, as a US based organisation, and the GSMA group as a whole (together, the “GSMA Group”) must comply with all applicable US, UK, EU and Swiss trade sanctions imposed by any of the applicable sanctions bodies. You hereby represent and warrant that to the best of your knowledge (having made all reasonable enquiries) neither You, nor any person or entity for whom You are registering: (i) are currently subject to trade sanctions imposed by any of the applicable sanctions bodies set forth above (ii) are included on the OFAC Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (the “OFAC List”); or (iii) are affiliated with any entity or organisation on the OFAC List or subject to sanctions imposed by any of the applicable sanctions bodies. If You or any person, entity or organisation with which You are affiliated become subject to sanctions prior to Your arrival date, then You must notify GSMA immediately. The OFAC List is located here: GSMA utilises the “WorldCheck” service to process Your data to validate compliance with applicable sanctions regimes. 

GSMA may immediately terminate these Attendee Terms and cancel Your access to an Event venue, without penalty or liability, if GSMA reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to comply with its obligations under applicable laws, sanctions, or regulations, including if You are added to the OFAC List or any other restricted party listings. Termination and cancellation under this section will result in forfeiture of all fees paid to GSMA by You.

Minimum Age Limit

For the purposes of this section, “Minimum Age Limit” means: (a) at least 18 years of age at the date of attending MWC Las Vegas; or (b) at least 16 years of age at the date of attending all other Events.

If You are registering on behalf of Your employer or a third party, You represent and warrant that You will comply with the Minimum Age Limit and are authorised to accept these Attendee Terms on behalf of each person that You register. 


All Events are subject to the Minimum Age Limit. Any additional age restrictions that may apply to specific Events or venues that are different to the Minimum Age Limit, will be stated on the applicable Event website and/or on an Event registration page(s). Any Attendees under the Minimum Age Limit shall be considered a minor (“Minor”) and will be subject to a specific approval process before entry to an Event. However, for MWC Shanghai only, no Minors are permitted access.

Applicable to all Events (except for MWC Shanghai where Minors are not permitted): GSMA acknowledges that there may be circumstances in which an Attendee has to bring a Minor to an Event in the absence of adequate childcare. Attendees must be aware that an Event may not be suitable for all Minors due to the presence of large crowds, loud noises and music and significant visual stimulation (including bright lights, large screens, and demonstrations). Also, please be advised that Minors are not covered by any Event insurance policies, and it is Your responsibility to always have and maintain adequate insurance coverage for the Minor during an Event.

Any Attendee wishing to bring an accompanying Minor must first go through GSMA’s Minor approval process as detailed below before entry will be granted. 

Any Attendee who wishes to bring a Minor to an Event must promptly request prior approval from GSMA (such approval being granted at GSMA’s sole discretion). You will be required to complete a consent collection form which can be found in the FAQ section of the applicable Event website. The process to approve entry for a Minor to an Event can take up to 72 working hours and any onsite requests may significantly delay Your entry to an Event. Therefore, GSMA encourages You to make all requests and submit the consent collection form well in advance of an Event. 

Should You find Yourself or the Minor in need of a quiet moment while attending an Event, certain Events have a designated Minor friendly space. To check if an Event You are attending has Minor friendly space, please either see the applicable Event map or the FAQ section on an Event website. 

The Attendee must always accompany the Minor and is responsible for ensuring both the Minor’s safety and the Minor’s compliance with all rules and regulations, including all health and safety protocols related to an Event that You are attending. Attendees are asked to help maintain a professional, disturbance-free environment. For safety reasons, Minors are not permitted entry to an Event venue during build-up and dismantling. 


The payment of the applicable registration fees for an Event (in the currency and amount specified in the relevant Event registration form) is due upon Your registration for an Event You are attending and is payable either to GSMA or to the GSMA appointed Payment Processor (as defined below). Admission to an Event will not be granted without payment being received in full by the applicable due date. 

Applicable to MWC Barcelona and MWC Shanghai only: Each of these Events utilises a payment processor as follows: (a) Fira Internacional de Barcelona with respect to MWC Barcelona; and (b) Jemex Ideas (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. with respect to MWC Shanghai (each a “Payment Processor”). 

For the avoidance of doubt, these Attendee Terms apply to all Registration Activities whether processed by GSMA as principal or by the Payment Processor as GSMA’s agent.

Where no registration fees are payable, as specified in Your registration form and/or on an Event website, an Event registration can either be open to the public or by invitation only. Where an Event is by invitation only, this can only be granted by GSMA, or a third party authorised by GSMA (for example a host partner). All eligible Attendees must register on the relevant Event website’s registration page, using a registration code that You are authorised to use. An Attendee pass code issued for use at an Event, shall be valid for the named Attendee only and cannot be transferred or shared for use by another Attendee.


All sales are final, and no refunds will be given. You are liable for the full cost of Your Event pass notwithstanding Your subsequent cancellation, failure to attend an Event, or any government rules or regulations that prevent You from traveling to an Event. You are also solely responsible for any and all other costs of Your failure to attend an Event, including but not limited to travel and accommodation charges.

GSMA may permit pass downgrades, however, You remain liable for the full registration fee associated with the original pass purchased for the applicable Event. GSMA reserves the right to cancel Your registration without notice, if: (i) payment (where applicable) is not received by GSMA by the applicable due date; (ii) You fail to provide all information required in the relevant registration form; or (iii) You are in violation of these Attendee Terms, Additional Terms or any other applicable terms and conditions. You agree that GSMA will not provide a refund and is not responsible for any damages, costs, losses, fees, expenses, or other payments whatsoever (whether direct, indirect, consequential, punitive, incidental, special, general, or otherwise) resulting from any such cancellation. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes (but is not limited to) travel and accommodation costs. 

If GSMA cancels an Event, and You are a registered Attendee who has paid Your Event registration fees in full, Your sole and exclusive remedy (whether under tort, contract, or otherwise), will be a refund of Your registration fee to the original method of payment. You are liable for the cost of any foreign exchange, return or other bank fees arising out of the refund of Your registration fee. In the event of such cancellation, You agree that GSMA, save in respect of the aforementioned refund, is not responsible to Your or any third party for any damages, costs, losses, fees, expenses or other payments whatsoever (whether direct, indirect, consequential, punitive, incidental, special, general or otherwise) resulting from any such cancellation. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes (but is not limited to) travel and accommodation costs. 


If an Event is postponed, GSMA’s sole and exclusive obligation to You will be to provide You with a replacement pass for the subsequent instance of an Event. No refunds will be provided if an Event is postponed. In the event of such postponement, You agree that GSMA, save in respect of the aforementioned replacement pass, is not responsible to Your or any third party for any damages, costs, losses, fees, expenses or other payments whatsoever (whether direct, indirect, consequential, punitive, incidental, special, general or otherwise) resulting from any such postponement. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes (but is not limited to) travel and accommodation costs.  

Health and Safety Protocols

You agree to: (i) carefully review the relevant Event health and safety protocols located in the FAQ section of the applicable Event website, prior to an Event; and (ii) always comply with the relevant Event health and safety protocols during an Event. You acknowledge and agree that the relevant Event health and safety protocols are subject to change at any time. You must fully comply with all the relevant Event health and safety protocols in place at the time of the relevant Event and it is Your obligation to stay apprised of the latest Event health and safety protocols. 

Failure to follow the relevant Event health and safety protocols may, in GSMA’s sole discretion, result in: (i) You being prohibited from entering an Event; (ii) You being ejected from an Event; (iii) You being permanently barred from attending an Event or any other GSMA function; and/or (iv) GSMA, the relevant Event venue or applicable authorities taking any other action permitted by law. In any such circumstances, You remain liable for payment of any applicable registration fee associated with Your pass.

Event Accessibility 

GSMA is dedicated to ensuring that each Event is accessible and inclusive for all Attendees. GSMA’s firm commitment is that Attendees with disabilities, regardless of their specific needs, can fully participate and enjoy an Event. 


Attendees are encouraged to carry their government issued photo identification that was provided as part of the registration process (or as set out in the FAQ section of the applicable Event website), at all times during an Event, as You might be required to produce such identification, upon reasonable request. You are solely responsible for the accuracy of all personal data provided when registering for an Event. Failure to enter accurate data may result in adverse implications, including but not limited to, Your failure to receive critical information and the inability to reset account passwords. GSMA is not liable in any manner whatsoever for your failure to submit complete or accurate information.

Identification provisions applicable to MWC Shanghai online registration only:

  • Mainland Chinese Attendees: A real time ID document validation will be performed during the Event registration process. You will be required to insert Your Chinese ID card number and Your full name in simplified Chinese and as it appears on Your ID document. You acknowledge that without completing this step, Your registration cannot be completed. Once Your registration has been successfully completed, You will receive an email confirmation. You must bring Your Mainland Chinese ID card that You provided as part of the Event registration process, with You onsite when attending the Event. You acknowledge that without this, You will not be allowed to access the Event venue. To promote health and safety and best practices, GSMA is introducing digital access passes to all mainland Chinese Attendees. Your digital access pass will be available to You after You have completed the onsite identity verification process.


  • Non-Mainland Chinese or other overseas Attendees: All non-mainland Chinese or other foreign Attendees are required to provide their passport or travel permit number and full name as part of the Event registration process. Once Your registration has been successfully completed, You will receive an email to confirm this.  You must bring the same passport or an original copy of the travel permit document onsite to the Event venue, that You provided as part of the registration process. Without this, Your access to the Event will be denied. As part of the onsite identity verification process, we will take a photo of You at the registration desk and link it to your Event registration. Your printed or digital access pass will then become available to You once You have completed the onsite identity verification process.


Requests for substitution of a registered Event Attendee (the “Original Registrant”) with an alternative person (the “Substitute Registrant”) must be made in writing to the contact email address set out on an Event website.  Requests for substitution may either be approved or denied, at GSMA’s sole discretion. Requests must include: (i) the Original Registrant’s full name and registration number; (ii) documentation evidencing the Original Registrant’s permission to substitute the Substitute Registrant; and (iii) the name of the Substitute Registrant. The Substitute Registrant shall be required to successfully complete the registration process for the applicable Event. The cost of substituting the Original Registrant shall vary based on the registration status of the Original Registrant. Any balance due, will automatically be transferred to the Substitute Registrant. Once the Substitute Registrant has been marked by GSMA as having checked in to the Event, then no further substitutions shall be allowed.

Pass Sales

Your pass and pass code are personal to You. Sale of Event passes other than directly from GSMA is strictly prohibited.  If an invitation code was given to You by an exhibitor, sponsor, advertiser, or other party who properly acquired the pass from GSMA (the “Pass Provider”), that code is personal to You, and cannot be sold, gifted, published, or otherwise transferred without express permission of GSMA at its sole discretion. You agree You will not sell Your pass, purchase a pass from any person or entity other than GSMA, publish/distribute any code such that others may use it without appropriate authorisation, or in any way work to facilitate access (including Your own) to an Event by unauthorised means.  By registering using a pass provided by the Pass Provider, You consent to the disclosure of Your personal data to such Pass Provider, including Your name, email address, company, and job title. If You have any queries in respect of your privacy rights with regard to how a Pass Provider processes or uses Your personal data, You should contact that Pass Provider directly. 

Visas & Travel Authorisation

You are responsible for arranging, and paying all costs for obtaining, appropriate travel authorisations to travel to, and enter, the country where an Event You are attending, takes place. GSMA will not provide a refund or accept any liability whatsoever if You are unable to attend an Event due to a lack of necessary travel authorisations.

GSMA Trademarks and Logos

Registering for and attending an Event does not grant You any rights to use GSMA’s name, logos or trademarks. The materials provided by registering and attending an Event, including but not limited to all images, designs, photographs, writings, graphs, data, or otherwise, are GSMA’s property and are protected by international copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other applicable proprietary rights, all of which are expressly reserved. 

Suitcasing and Outboarding

Suitcasing occurs where companies or persons attend an Event as Attendees but “work the aisles” soliciting business from other Attendees, exhibitors, or Event participants (“Suitcasing”). 

Outboarding occurs where companies or persons set up events or activities at a location other than an Event venue (or at an Event venue), without GSMA’s consent which subsequently encourages Attendees to leave an Event or otherwise compete with an Event (“Outboarding”).

Suitcasing and/or Outboarding at any Event is strictly prohibited.  

You will not: (i) engage in or support Suitcasing or Outboarding in any way; or (ii) plan, attend or participate in an Outboarding event that takes place either during an Event or three (3) days before or after an Event. 

Applicable to MWC Events only: You will not develop, facilitate, or host any program, free or paid, during an Event which competes with the MWC Tours and Experience Programme, without the prior written permission of GSMA, which will be granted or denied in GSMA’s sole discretion. 

Safety and Security 

For the safety and security of all Attendees, GSMA reserves the right to enable security personnel to perform security checks of any Attendee at any time. 

GSMA is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.  Attendees are expected to remain alert and keep personal possessions secure at all times.  You agree to carry Your mobile telephone (matching the mobile phone number that You provided during registration) with You at all times at an Event so that You can receive important alerts regarding health and safety and other essential information.

GSMA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse admittance or remove any Attendee from an Event venue, entry points, or offsite location controlled by GSMA at any time, without any liability whatsoever, where an Attendee has violated these Attendee Terms, or GSMA reasonably suspects an Attendee of violating these Attendee Terms.


GSMA provides a positive, harassment-free Event experience for all Attendees, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age or religion. GSMA does not tolerate harassment in any form. The use of harassing language and imagery (including that of a sexualised nature) is not appropriate at any GSMA Event or related social activity sponsored or organised by GSMA. Any Attendee found to be violating GSMA’s anti-harassment policy, may be sanctioned or expelled without a refund at GSMA’s sole discretion. 

Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:

  • Verbal comments or actions related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age, or religion;
  • Use of sexual images in public spaces;
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking or following;
  • Unauthorised photography or recording;
  • Use of sexualised or harassing content in presentations;
  • Inappropriate physical contact;
  • Unwelcome sexual attention; and
  • Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behaviour.

If at any time You are made to feel unsafe or unwelcome at a GSMA Event, or witness this behaviour towards others, please report it as soon as possible. Reports can be made either personally onsite to GSMA staff or emailed to [email protected]. Regardless of the reporting method, the name and/or company reporting a harassment incident will be held in strictest confidence. Onsite staff will have been briefed to immediately escalate incidents.

Anti-Harassment Enforcement

If an Attendee engages in harassing behaviour, or GSMA reasonably suspects that an Attendee is engaging in harassing behaviour, GSMA retains the right to take any lawful actions to maintain a positive Event environment for all other Attendees. This includes warning the offending Attendee or the expulsion of the offending Attendee from an Event, with no refund, and without any liability whatsoever. Any Attendee asked to cease harassing behaviour, is expected to comply immediately.

Exhibitors, advertisers, sponsors, partners, vendor stands, and all Event related activities sponsored or organised by GSMA, are also subject to GSMA’s anti-harassment policy. Exhibitors should not use sexualised images, activities, or other material. Stand staff (including volunteers) should not wear sexualised clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create a sexualised environment. Please see the dress code section below or the Event FAQ section on an Event website, for further guidance.

Physical Loss or Damage

Attendees shall, always, take due care and attention while participating at an Event and are expected to keep themselves apprised of any guidance or instructions from either GSMA, the venue or an exhibitor in respect of its own stand during an Event. 

Attendees shall not deface, destroy, vandalise or in any other way, damage or impact any property, equipment, materials, or facilities at an Event. Any Attendee who causes such damage, or GSMA reasonably believes to have caused such damage, will be liable for all repair, replacement, or reinstatement costs.

Conduct and Dress Code at an Event 

Attendees are expected to dress in business and/or business casual attire and behave in an appropriate, professional manner. Given the Events’ global profile and their convening of an entire industry and ecosystem, Attendees come from a broad range of cultures and nations. GSMA asks that this diversity and inclusivity is reflected in Your choice of clothing (e.g. clothing with political slogans or military fatigues would not be appropriate attire for an Event) and your general behaviour.

GSMA reserves the right to request that any Attendee alter their attire or leave the Event immediately if their appearance and/or conduct: (i) is inappropriate given the professional and global nature of an Event; and / or (ii) could reasonably be deemed to be offensive to other Attendees.

Alcohol, Smoking, and Prohibited Substances 

Attendees are strictly prohibited from smoking (including smokeless tobacco products, e-cigarettes and/or vapes) within an Event venue, except in designated areas at an Event. 

Where alcohol is offered for sale or complimentary consumption at an Event venue, Attendees are expected to consume such alcohol responsibly and in accordance with the legal drinking age in the jurisdiction where an Event takes place. An Attendee may be refused service where they are deemed to be, in the dispenser’s sole discretion, visibly intoxicated or engaging in disruptive behavior as a result of alcohol consumption. 

Each Event maintains a zero-tolerance policy for the use of illegal drugs, disruptive or disorderly behaviour resulting from alcohol or substance use, and violations of local laws related to alcohol and substance use. Attendees found in violation, may be subject to immediate removal from an Event, without refund.

Term and Termination

These Attendee Terms are effective from the moment You carry out any of the Registration Activities, unless and until terminated by GSMA in accordance with these Attendee Terms. 


The following sections survive any termination of the Attendee Terms: GSMA Trademarks and Logos; Privacy and Data Protection; Your Collection of Attendee and Exhibitor Data; Eligibility; No Warranty; Legal Compliance; General Assumption of Risk and Release of Claims and Waiver of Liability; Limitation of Liability; Class Action Waiver; and Indemnification.

Third Party Services 

The relevant Event website or Event app may contain or make available information on accommodations, transportation, and other services provided by third parties (each, a “Third Party Service”). GSMA is not responsible or liable in any way whatsoever in respect of any issues or disputes between You and any provider of a Third Party Service, each of which will be a matter for You and any contract agreed with an applicable Third Party Provider. 

Changes to an Event 

All Events are subject to change at any time. GSMA does not guarantee the attendance of any third party (including any exhibitor or speaker) at an Event, or that any scheduled session, breakout, keynote, or other activity will take place.

GSMA reserves the right, including without prior notice, to make changes to an Event at any time for any reason (including modification of an Event schedule or content of, or cancellation of, any session, breakout, keynote, or other activity). GSMA is not responsible or in any way liable for, and will not issue any refunds or other compensation, if there is a change to an Event (including modification of the overall Event program, or the schedule or content of, or cancellation of any session, keynote, or other relevant Event activity).

Restrictions on Access

GSMA reserves the right to, at any time and without prior notice, cancel any Event registration, terminate these Attendee Terms and / or, bar any Attendee from attending a future Event,  if: (i) an Attendee is in breach (or GSMA reasonably believes them to be in breach) of these Attendee Terms; or (ii) as GSMA sees fit, in its sole discretion, to facilitate the good running of an Event.

Privacy and Data Protection

GSMA collects and uses information about You for account administration. If You complete any Registration Activities for an Event, GSMA will collect certain information about You and use it to provide You with information and services associated with an Event. We process this information to fulfil the offer You have made to attend an Event You have registered for. Further details about GSMA’s policies and practices around the processing of personal data is available in our Global Privacy Notice located here, and at the Cookie Policy located here. These policies are updated from time to time, and You should periodically review them to understand how GSMA is processing and protecting Your personal information. 

You may contact GSMA at any time with Your views about our privacy practices, or with any enquiry relating to Your personal information, or to exercise Your data subject rights by writing to [email protected].

Lead Management

An exhibitor, partner, sponsor or other third party at an Event (collectively “Event Partners”) may wish to scan Your badge so they can contact You with more information. Third party lead management service providers, provide badge scanning services to Event Partners who purchase this service. By allowing an Event Partner to scan Your badge (physical or digital) You are consenting to provide them with Your contact information. The moment You allow Your badge to be scanned You engage in a direct relationship with an Event Partner and thereafter an Event Partner may contact You, subject to their respective data collection policies and practices. If You do not wish an Event Partner to contact You in the future, or wish to exercise Your rights of access, deletion, rectification, or portability, please communicate this directly with an Event Partner at an Event or thereafter. A list of Event Partners is located on the relevant Event website. You are fully in control of Your personal data and only Event Partners that You expressly authorise to scan Your badge will receive Your contact information. If You visit a stand or speak with an Event Partners but do not allow Your badge to be scanned, Your contact information will not be disclosed.

The contact information contained in Your printed or digital encoded badge is limited to the following information You provide at registration, including: First Name, Last Name, Company, Job title, Address, City, State/Province, Country, Postcode, Email, Mobile Phone Number, Company Industry Type, Your Area of Responsibility, Job Function and Your Areas of Interest. 

Your Collection of Attendee and Exhibitor Data

You may receive personal and contact information from Attendees and exhibitors that is voluntarily provided to You or otherwise obtained in accordance with applicable law. You are expressly prohibited from selling any of this personal information and You must comply with any restrictions placed on the use of such personal information. 

Recordings and Photographs

Attendees are welcomed and encouraged to capture and record their Event experience through photography, video, or audio recordings for personal use and non-commercial purposes, provided they do so in a manner that respects the rights, privacy, and comfort of other Event Attendees.

Attendees are encouraged to obtain consent from any Attendees who may be the primary focus of their recordings, especially in cases where privacy or personal images may be involved. 

Attendees may not use Event recordings or photographs for commercial purposes, public distribution, or promotion without obtaining consent from GSMA and any Attendees whose images or likenesses are captured. 

Exhibitors may have designated private and / or invite only areas of their individual booths. These may only be photographed or recorded with the express consent of the applicable exhibitor.

GSMA retains the copyright and intellectual property rights of all Event-related content, including presentations, performances, and Event branding. Attendees are encouraged to contact GSMA for any requests related to public use or distribution of Event materials. If You are invited to speak at an Event, You will retain the rights to any of the content You show within your presentations. You agree to grant GSMA a right to use such content for marketing purposes.

Each Event may have official photographers and videographers capturing Event content for promotional and archival purposes. By attending the Event, Attendees acknowledge and grant GSMA Group permission to use any recordings or photographs in which they may appear for these purposes and all other Event related content. Attendees agree that GSMA, or the applicable third party, is the copyright owner of any Event related recordings. All the rights granted to GSMA by You hereunder are irrevocable and perpetual, and You waive all rights to any associated equitable relief. 

Where Attendees are panelists, participating in an interview or otherwise providing personal input for Mobile World Live, Attendees grant GSMA Group irrevocable permission to use any and all content generated (including but not limited to the voice and/or likeness and/or any simulation thereof, and/or any video photographs taken by the GSMA Group) to enable the production, distribution, advertising, and promotion of Event related content.

Attendees shall not create, publish, broadcast, distribute, disseminate or cause to be created, published, broadcast, distributed or disseminated, media content (in any format including written, audio visual or audio only), which competes with any official GSMA media services for GSMA Events, covering news at the Events and the global mobile industry, including but not limited to, printed media entitled “The Show Daily” or video media, either live broadcast or recorded entitled “Mobile World Live”.

GSMA encourages all Attendees to exercise good judgment, be considerate of others, and respect their rights, privacy and comfort when capturing their Event experience.

Freedom of Expression and Ideas

GSMA expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for usage of, implementation of, impact from, or communications of the ideas or discussions presented by any Attendee at an Event.

No Warranty

An Event is provided to You "as is" and on a non-reliance basis. GSMA gives no warranties, guarantees, undertakings or other contractual comfort in respect of an Event. 

Legal Compliance

Attendees are required to comply with all local laws and regulations and GSMA is not responsible for any consequences resulting from violations of these laws.

General Assumption of Risk and Release of Claims

You acknowledge and agree that Your attendance or participation in an Event and any related activities (including, but not limited to Your participation in demonstrations or hospitality offerings) is completely voluntary. 

You assume and accept all risks of personal injury or damage to Your personal property that You may face while attending an Event (whether advised of such risk(s) or otherwise). To the fullest extent of applicable law, You hereby release the GSMA Group and its successors and assigns from any and all claims that You may have now or in the future, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, associated in any way with an Event. 

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall the GSMA Group, its successors or assigns be liable to You for any: (i) indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive loss or damage; or (ii) loss of profits, revenues, customers, opportunities, reputation, contracts, or goodwill, even if You have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Subject to the above and the other disclaimers and waivers of liability set forth in these Attendee Terms, the total, aggregate liability of the GSMA Group, its successors and assigns to You under these Attendee terms or otherwise in relation to an Event (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) will not exceed: either (a) the registration fee paid by You, and received by GSMA, to attend an Event; or (b) USD $100 where there is no registration fee payable by You to GSMA. 

Class Action Waiver

You hereby agree that any and all disputes must be brought on an individual basis only. By agreeing to these Attendee Terms, You hereby waive any right to litigate any claim as a class action or representative action against the GSMA Group or its successors or assigns.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the GSMA Group, and its successors and assigns from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, judgements, settlements, costs and expenses of any kind, including reasonable attorney fees, arising out of or related in any way to any breach of these Attendee Terms by You, any breach of an applicable law by You, or any other liabilities incurred by GSMA relating to or arising out of Your attendance, participation or access to, an Event. 

Each person You register agrees individually to be bound by these Attendee Terms and agrees to indemnify the GSMA Group and its successors and assigns for any breach of these Attendee Terms. You also represent and warrant that You have registered to attend an Event having only used a registration code that You are authorised to use. 


Force Majeure

Where an Event is impacted for any reason beyond the reasonable control of GSMA, GSMA shall have no liability whatsoever to You. GSMA is not liable if an Event is, in whole or in part, cancelled, rescheduled or postponed, or there is any failure or delay in the  performance of GSMA’s obligations under these Attendee Terms due to, including but not limited to: (a) power or server outages or electronic or communications failure; (b) update or maintenance periods; (c) acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake or other natural disaster; (d) disease, epidemic or pandemic; (e) terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations; (f) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom; (g) any law or any action taken by a government or public authority; (h) collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident; (i) any labour or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts; (j) non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors; (k) interruption or failure of utility service; or (l) or anything else that renders performance of an Event, in whole or in part, impracticable, illegal or impossible.

Modifications to the Attendee Terms

GSMA may update and modify these Attendee Terms, including any policies hyperlinked in these Attendee Terms, at any time by posting a revised version on an Event website. The updated terms will become effective upon posting. GSMA has no obligation to directly notify You of changes to these Attendee Terms. By attending an Event after GSMA has posted an updated version of these Attendee Terms, You expressly agree to be bound by the updated terms.  It is Your responsibility to check an Event website regularly for updates to these Attendee Terms. 


These Attendee Terms may be assigned (or otherwise transferred) by GSMA at any time and You will be informed of such assignment or Transfer via email notification.

Entire Agreement

These Attendee Terms constitute the entire agreement between GSMA and You with respect to an Event, and supersede all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written, between You and GSMA with respect to an Event. You acknowledge that you have not accepted these Attendee Terms on the basis of any warranty, representation, statement or agreement or undertaking except those expressly set out in these Attendee Terms.  You agree to waive any claim for breach of these Attendee Terms, or any right to rescind your Agreement to these Attendee Terms in respect of any representation which is not an express provision of these Attendee Terms.  However, this does not exclude any liability in respect of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of these Attendee Terms or portion thereof to be unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible to affect the intent of the Attendee Terms, and the remainder of the Attendee Terms shall continue in full force and effect. No waiver by either GSMA or You of any clause, breach or default hereunder shall be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default.

Electronic Communications and Electronic Signatures

You agree to be bound by any affirmation, assent, or agreement You transmit through the GSMA website, or an App associated with an Event, including but not limited to any consent You give to receive communications from GSMA solely through electronic transmission. You agree that when in the future You click on “I agree,” “I consent,” “I have read and accept” or other similarly worded “button”, entry field or check box with Your mouse, keystroke, or other computer device, Your agreement or consent is legally binding and enforceable and the legal equivalent of Your handwritten signature.

Governing Law

These Attendee Terms and all matters arising out of or relating to these Attendee Terms, whether in contract, tort, by statute or otherwise, are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England without giving effect to the conflict of law provisions. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Applicable to MWC Las Vegas Event only: These Attendee Terms shall be governed by the laws of the state of Georgia in the United States, without giving effect to its choice of law principles. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Fulton County, Georgia, USA. If You or GSMA commences litigation in connection with these Attendee Terms, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and other expenses.